Creative Outlets

Such a pleasure, to re-visit this Creative outlet again. So much time has passed in-between.

Thought of the Day

I feel such Extra Gratitude today, that the last 4+ years, since I last wrote on here, have passed, now.

A journey, thankfully over, as is described well, by that cliche of: Hell and Back.

Though, it did include an assortment of several moments of Joy, thankfully.

The Hell,namely was, that I was un-able to be with my two sons for that time period, for all the various reasons.

One son’s visit now, albeit nearly ended,has broken this ghastly spell.

And Plans to visit the other son in motion now, at last.

That is not to say, I am not Grateful, for all that I have experienced, and learnt.

Gratitude, is my baseline of existence, since my childhood, having been born into a Privelaged family, here in India. Privelaged, with so much Love and material comfort.

In a country, where the majority were not, and are still not. (despite what media convinces everyone of)

Those privelages, ensured me of feeling Grateful, from the time I could observe, think and decide what’s what, for myself.

I describe all this, in the First of my Short Stories, already written, to be published, when I get around to it

It explains clearly, the Script of Life, which is still in motion thankfully, by living this Blessed lifetime, mine.

This Wannabee Author here, has hence started at last, on this Long Desired Path of Writing, by writing this blog here. Hurrah!

This New Journey, started on the day I was granted, The Invaluable Gift of Life; my Birthday.

P.S. Ma called this Painting of mine ‘Ayurveda’ now gifted to an Adopted Bro.


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