Keeping My Side of the Street Clean..

A commonly used phraze, in one of my therapy schools of Thought.

What does it Signify?

Noting this too; That to Each their Own Perspective,whether we like it or not?

To me, it says, All I can do is my bit in the world. And that is Enough.

I am basing this discussion on the premise of my lifelong, and still continuing study, as a psychologist.

Remember, please. Just My Perspective.

I have come to Believe that every Living Creature Responds, or Reacts on their Own Feelings and their Own Belief Systems. And these are based on their Conditioning, as a Child, and then their own levels of Awareness and Choice, as an Adult. Morality and Rights and wrongs come from those too, in essence. Mine do.

To Judge Another, is surely not a Wise thing to do?Why not do something instead, to Keep Your Own Side of the Street Cleaner?

Or are you saying your Side of the Street is Perfectly Clean?

Mine sure is Not.

I confess I have been doing what I can, but it is not only My Street, so I do what I can Daily.

Hence Some days, Our Street is Cleaner, than other days 🙏


The Material and the Mystical

There are many different terms that more or less signify the same concepts as the Title?

Of course, Hinduism puts all life under the concept of Maya, loosely translated as Illusion. This is a very complex notion, not easily understood.

The latest fad in motion, though, since a while now, is The Law of Attraction and Thoughts Creating Our Own Reality. Not a new concept but helping people worldwide to understand how Life works, perhaps.

As I Explore and Instrospect daily, I put it in this form to you and humbly ask; Is Our Own Life just not what We Believe it to be, at every given moment?

Is it not just Our Own Perspective and Our Own Belief System, Each one of Us, lives by. However that has come into Creation.

How others see Our lives will surely fall into Their Own Perspectives and Belief Systems not Mine?

Acceptance of this can bring Inner Peace Within and Understanding of All Others, if Luck is on your side.

This is not a discussion on the Rights and Wrongs of Anyone or Life, here. Please let that be Clearly Understood. I am No one to Judge Others. Simply said.

Surely Starting with the Mystical/ Spiritual Within One’s own spirit/ soul)Within, as One feels and Beleives it to Be, will allow One, to Understand Others’ Point of View?H

Hopefully Yes.

Till Each one of Us, is actually able to do this, how can World Peace exist as A Whole, on this Planet of Ours?

I Beseech whoever reads this to think on this deeply for a long while. And feel free to respond, if and when you have.

P.S. The photo on this, is one piece of many; an Amazing Lady, Maristella in Italy, and her Company are Creating; I find it all Truly Inspirational, and a Beautiful Merging of the Two Concepts described briefly above.

You can find out more on my Casa Azadi page on Fb and casaazadi2 on Instagram.🙏


Living in The Day

Humanity has invented Time, and decided Our Earth does a 24 hour Rotation, on it’s own axis, in that vast Cosmos, and we call that, A Day.

There have been Astrological Rumours, that  the Rotation is going faster, hence why life seems to be a faster pace, too.

Being a sceptic as myself; means taking all one hears and reads, as a mere guideline. Deciding for oneself, what one Chooses to Believe, after living the experience a while.

Personally, I like this 24 hour concept and putting my Energy into it fully, including getting a good, restful sleep of 8 hours within that, too.

Work, Rest and Play would describe my 24 hour day well. Living it, moment by moment, is the Ideal, but with one’s human mind in action, rather impossible to acheive.

Addressing  Mind, Body and Spirit, best one can, Meditation is the only Healthy Escape from Daily Reality and Re-Alignment of Self @ the same time.

Planning the future calmly, is good Brain Training in my humble existence, but not to to be done for too far ahead.

It is also a wonderful way to be in Charge of Creating one’s future, and a Step into The Manifestation of it, too.

Gosh, so much can be Acheived in a Day if one is Centred and Well.


Creative Outlets

Such a pleasure, to re-visit this Creative outlet again. So much time has passed in-between.

Thought of the Day

I feel such Extra Gratitude today, that the last 4+ years, since I last wrote on here, have passed, now.

A journey, thankfully over, as is described well, by that cliche of: Hell and Back.

Though, it did include an assortment of several moments of Joy, thankfully.

The Hell,namely was, that I was un-able to be with my two sons for that time period, for all the various reasons.

One son’s visit now, albeit nearly ended,has broken this ghastly spell.

And Plans to visit the other son in motion now, at last.

That is not to say, I am not Grateful, for all that I have experienced, and learnt.

Gratitude, is my baseline of existence, since my childhood, having been born into a Privelaged family, here in India. Privelaged, with so much Love and material comfort.

In a country, where the majority were not, and are still not. (despite what media convinces everyone of)

Those privelages, ensured me of feeling Grateful, from the time I could observe, think and decide what’s what, for myself.

I describe all this, in the First of my Short Stories, already written, to be published, when I get around to it

It explains clearly, the Script of Life, which is still in motion thankfully, by living this Blessed lifetime, mine.

This Wannabee Author here, has hence started at last, on this Long Desired Path of Writing, by writing this blog here. Hurrah!

This New Journey, started on the day I was granted, The Invaluable Gift of Life; my Birthday.

P.S. Ma called this Painting of mine ‘Ayurveda’ now gifted to an Adopted Bro.


Harsh Reality

India is my Harsh Reality, has always been, as the Environement here is Harsh, whichever way one looks at it; personally/ proffessionaly, emotionally/ unemotionally, subjectively/ objectively etc.

Living Conditions. Over-population. Corruption. Bogus Spirituality. Relegious Mania. Swamped in Outdated Traditions. Terrible Education System. Caste System. Archaic Hierachy. Machoism. Belief Systems that Enable Slavery still; the Servant!! Materialistic Greed.

I am actually horrified at where India has arrived at, in the 21st century. Everytime I return from Europe, for a long stay, I am more horrified at the General Status Quo here. There seems to be so little change.

Or am I just being Impatient? 20181117_071511



A New Beginning…

As the Phoenix rises from it’s Ashes, so do I.

A lengthy, tiring, yet fruitful Market Research completed; for what is Now, my Next Phaze of Work.

Alchemy in Action.

A thorough Self Introspection, Self Healing and Self Empowerment Course done, once again.

Ying and Yang in Balance.


Online Well-Being Coaching Sessions/ A Course.

I continue working, wherever I am, without needing all those physical location limitations, travelling as I do, since the last 6 years, as per mine and my family needs.

Free Spirit.

And the question of having to interrupt any Client’s Well-Being Course, for any reason, will be minimized, for sure.

Virtual, Digital, Online World.

Or could we say, Etheric World perhaps?

That is where The Magic happens, surely?….


Freedom to be Me?

As I sip my coffee today, and do my online stuff, (my preferred daily routine, wherever I may be residing), I am reflecting on this Concept.

Reason why this Fascinates me, is Simply that I have not felt this Free, before.

The Whys and Whats,  of it, is what make up my Future Books and Memoirs,20181012_152340

” Wildly Royal”.

Does Everyone only see the Glamourous Aspect of this Royalty ? Of course, would  that not be the Only Aspect shown to the public? It seems No one likes to “Air their Dirty Linen in Public.”  Not Most anyway.  But what some of our poor Condemned Journalists do as their Job specs, I note.

I have been Exploring the Humane side of it all, from the time I was able to Observe and Absorb. Just a Curiosity, as felt so Restricted and Confined myself, from so young.

Free Spirit Me! Rebel to Most…lol

Being Born into this type of Family, one has a distinct close up, Insiders view; albeit only My Perspective, and Rather Subjective, too, of course, I hastily add.

I found, that The amount of Responsibilty and Hard Work involved, in A Royal’s Life, is not a Joke. I am discussing only The Ruling Royal Families, namely my own.  A Royal is Born to Serve” To Rule is to Serve” is the Axiom on which My Family’s Royalty  is based, I think.

All the Materialistic Comforts? Would Anyone  be Willing or  Even Able to Begin to Do this Job!?! The Perks of the Job, as called in Working Environements.

Excess is a whole different subject Matter. To be covered in My Book Series.too Explored through the Subject of Addiction.

As we are now largely in Assumed Democracies, Anarchies, Dictatorships etc, Royalty, world-wide is, either under government pay,  for e.g England and the EU or financed by the Armed Forces, World Bank and/ or Industrialists. Sadly, just Puppets on a string?? One of my fav songs as a child. I understand why now.

I am very Proud of My Family, as they are none of the above, but the Struggle I have seen personally of My Elders especially, is Heart- Wrenching, yet  So Admirable, at the same time.

This is just a little Snippet of My Own Thoughts, on this Vast Subject, in Honour of All My Family, Elders especially, Past and Present, and Especially for My Uncle who is in hospital, awaiting a medical procedure.

My Awe of His Incredible Personage, has even Surprised me, today.

So “Freedom to be Me” is not an Easy Path for Anyone in Our Derived Societies, but is it More or Less, for Royalty?? And the Effects of it All??

This is my Life Research,  Always in Motion,  and Subject Matter for my Books. T.V. Interactive Documentary maybe.

And so I have moved to Goa away from it all once again, in order to put Pen to Paper, so to speak, and Earn my way in life, as I have done, since age 18.

Am I shirking my Responsibilty to My Family?

No. I have done All I can and am Now, Free to be Me.

Authentic Alchemy, at last.


Crystal Ganesha Garry

My Crystal Haven, here in Goa.

I stepped into Garry’s first shop, in 2004, here in Goa. It was introduced to me, by my sister Harsha. Bless her.

My Younger Son Jason, Gifted me my First Crystal from there, soon after. I have recorded in my notes that, my Desired Transformation, Inner and Outer; Yin and Yang, started then.

Besides being Asthetically Beautiful, Crystals are Powerful Holistic  tools to Help one Detox, Cleanse, Re-Energize and Arrive at One’s Optimal State.

I Adore them, as they facilitate my Self Healing and Self Empowerment Daily.

On a Personal level, Minimal Outside Help, needed Nowadays.

Self Sufficiency, once a Dream;  Now, one of my Skills, I train others in.

Of course, the Connect with The Crystals, must Exist, or Be Awakened, for them to do Their Magic..



Susegad Goa


Susegad Goa. Chilled Goa.

Life here, like Andalucia had, 30 years ago, has a lovely Stress Free Slow Pace of Life. One must Flow with it, or be very frustrated.

The When in Rome Syndrome? Adapt to your Environement, don’t expect it to adapt to you? So am walking that talk properly, after a month here, and loving it.

Settling in and Setting up Business, susegad style, slowly but surely. Why rush? Journey not the Destination?

Actually, this is the only pace I can cope with, these days. Meditation and my Spiritual Practices; done all my life, have slowed me down a lot, and put me on the non-ending Journey of Prioritising Optimal Health.

Goa has a lot of Affordable Organic food, Holistic People and Holistic Activity. Fresh Sea Air and Nature, rather than Urban Jungle. My Concept of A Healthy Lifestyle.

And a Place, I hope, My Loved Ones, from all other parts of the globe, will be Happy to visit me in, as it is a rather Idylic Holiday Destination, to Suit Every Budget…

